Saturday, 29 June 2013

Wash days (and Royal Ascot extras!)

Hello hello! Busy busy times !

I've had two wash days that have been fairly similar -

  1. Apply mix of oils (JBCO, coconut, grapeseed) to scalp/hair plus Organics Carrot oil before heading to the gym for a session.
  2. Once back from the gym I added a mix of Organics hair mayo and CON Intensive Conditioning Treatment to hair for 10-15 mins with hooded dryer.
  3. Then rinse that out in shower and shampoo - 1st wash day used ORS Creamy Aloe followed by Elasta QP Creme Shampoo. 2nd wash day I used ORS Invigorating Shampoo followed by Keracare Hydrating Detangling Shampoo. With the 2nd wash day that happened on Weds my hair felt soft but slightly still oily before the Keracare but then I worried it was a bit too dry after...
  4. Tea rinse wirh green/peppermint tea mix followed by Herbal Essences conditioner on top
  5. Rinse all that out after a couple minutes then apply Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Daily Treatment which made my hair feel loads better. 
  6. Deep conditioned both times using my steamer with Keracare Humecto/ORS Nourishing Conditioner mix. The 2nd wash day I used the remainder of an ORS Nourishing conditioner pak that I had stored in the fridge and I am not sure if that could be a reason why my hair didn't feel quite as soft as experienced before even with the steamer or if was just not going to be a soft, smooth and silky wash no matter what.....any thoughts?
  7. Soaked up lots of excess water and air dried to about 60% dry before applying leave in moisturiser and Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum. I used Organics Leave in liquid mayo on first wash day and Neutrogena Triple Moisture on second. 
  8. Normally I air dry with aid of blow drying on cool if need be but on the 2nd wash day I twisted my in 4 sections very loosely just to give a bit of texture to my hair and then when cross wrapped hair before bed. Really liked the results and wore my hair down the next day for an induction day!


All in all I think my hair is just about ok but was slightly concerned about the hair loss in the shower but I don't know if it's a lot a lot and something I should be really trying to address or if it's an amount that's normal? Below is pic of hair lost from shower (I stick them on the wall as I catch them in my fingers!) and from detangling....any thoughts? There was also an annoying amount of breakage which I'm still not sure how to address!

And just for fun added some photos from my day at Royal Ascot where I spent the day feeling like a celeb! :) 

As it's coming to end of June look out for the next post on July goals and just how many of my June goals I failed on!! 

Till then, happy hair and health to all!!!

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